Oil on Board. Approx 12"x9" SOLD
Here is the second piece for the "Holiday Show". This was the first time painting oysters and it was a good challenge. I will definitely explore this subject again.
Here is the second piece for the "Holiday Show". This was the first time painting oysters and it was a good challenge. I will definitely explore this subject again.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. The "Group of Six" show came down this week and the "Holiday Show" went up. I have 2 new pieces in this show.
This was one of the most commented on paintings at the opening. A lot of good buzz around it. I was pleased to see it go to an artist I met that night...one of numerous artists I met that night. For information on available paintings, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
I tried a few subject matters that I personally love but may or may not be popular with my collectors. This is one of those experimental pieces. For information on available pieces, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
I've used tightly cropped views of this violin before in my work but haven't done a "portrait" of it like this. It belonged to my Grandpa and it's very old. I love all the character of the wood. For information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
For me to be attracted to a painting, it is not so much about the subject matter and much more about the paint handling. This is a perfect example of that. These objects don't necessarily go together but I love how the painting came out. Therefore, I am attracted to it.
I did an "Antique Collection" back in May and it was so popular, I wanted to do another. This took my quite a long time to compose. Literally hours. I really like the outcome of this painting. For information on available paintings, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
This is one of the few paintings that are still available at the show. This painting is almost exactly what I was envisioning before I began. That is rare because a lot of times paintings are an evolution that and end in a place that is unexpected but still satisfactory. Does that make sense?
This was one of of the first paintings to sell at the opening reception last night. It was a whirl wind of good times and a bunch of red dots which is always good. For information on available paintings, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Again, I haven't posted here in a while but it's mostly because everything I've been working on couldn't be "released" yet. Now it's close enough to the show where I can start posting. I will be at Susan Powell Fine Art in Madison, CT this Friday, Nov 9. The reception is from 5-8 so if you are in the area, come on out to chat. This painting is one of my favorites.
This is a commission. I was given specific personal items that represent the person (Henry). I love doing pieces like this. When his family and friends look at this painting they know it's him because they know these are his things. I'm not usually one for whisky but painting this made my mouth water.
I am still painting like crazy for the Susan Powell show coming up on November 9th. I will be flying out the Madison, CT for the opening. If you are in that area, please plan on stopping by. Stay tuned for new work from that show! I'll be posting them in the coming weeks.
I was informed to day that it has been exactly 2 months since my last blog post. That is my longest break in the past 6 years. Anyway, I have been painting, doing portraits, planning for TWO upcoming shows and vacationing with friends...so I have been busy. I promise to post more regularly now since my productivity will be high for the next few months. This painting sold the first week it was at Susan Powell Fine Art. For information on my other available work in the show, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
I loved painting this one. I spent extra time getting the peaks and valleys believable on the inside of the pomegranate. It was a daunting task but well worth it in the end. For information on my other work available at the gallery, please contact Susan Powell Fine Art 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
I was fortunate to have this painting sell at the opening reception. For information on my other available work in the show, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Oil on Canvas. Approx 18"x18" SOLD
Another larger piece for the realism show at Susan Powell Fine Art. I loved painting this one because of the challenge of setting the glass and bottle back into the darkness to allow the localized light on the foreground objects. This is one of my favorites. I'm very happy with the outcome.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6"
For purchase information, please email michael@mnaples.com
I just love the sunlight on this church.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
This is the second of 3 in this series. I hope to post the third tomorrow. Then another break from pears for some new subjects. I can't wait for those.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
This is the first on a series of three. It's been a months since I painted green pears so I will be enjoying these few.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I acquired this old small canvas. The edges of the canvas are a little tattered and the stretchers are a bit beat up. I find the back of it way more interesting than the front and will probably never paint on it...just paint it.
Oil on Canvas. Approx 18"x18" SOLD
Since the Bowl of Clementines sold so quickly, I wanted to have another similar feeling, larger piece for this show. There was a lot of buzz around this painting as it was one of the anchoring pieces on my wall. For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 8"x14" SOLD
Last night was the opening reception for the realism show I was in a Susan Powell Fine Art. I Flew out for the night and came back today. A lot of traveling but well worth it. The reception was great. I got to meet number of people who are collecting my work and talk "shop" with the 3 other painters in the show. Besides the great time chatting it up, the red dots I got were icing on the cake. This is one that sold.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I really loved capturing all the different textures in this painting.
Oil on Canvas. Approx 18"x18" SOLD
This is the fourth and last for the Still Life Invitational at Susan Powell Fine Art. I think this is currently my favorite painting. The photo doesn't do it justice. There is such a nice texture to the layered paint, I am very happy with the outcome.
For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Oil on Board. Approx 15"x8" SOLD
I posted the "first layer block-in" of this painting on my facebook page a few months ago. It came a long way to get to this stage. This one is at the Susan Powell Fine Art Still Life Invitational which opened last Friday. Only 3 more paintings until all are complete for the 4-artist show opening May 18th. I will be attending that reception.
For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I am kind of on a cupcake kick these days. I am painting 3 for the Susan Powell show in May and figured I work a small one in. I really enjoy painting cupcakes. They may be one of my all-time favorite subjects...and believe it or not I usually don't eat them. Weird, huh?
Oil on Board. Approx 24"x12" SOLD
Another for the Susan Powell Fine Art Still Life Invitational which opens April 11th. I am happy to say this one sold before I could even post it here. I hope that is the first of many.
For information about my other work in the show, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6"
Before we had kids, this dog was our life. His name is Schnitz Zel Naples and he is almost 10 years old. We have nicknames for him such as Nit, Nitzel, Sir, Boss, Stink Mouth, Nitster, Long Nose, Foot Stool, Mister Nit, Nitty, Frito Foot...and I'm sure I missed a few. Anyway, enjoy the painting.Oil on Board. Approx 9"x13" SOLD
I haven't been posting much lately but I have been painting my tail off. I'm working on 15 new pieces for two upcoming shows. The first is the Susan Powell Fine Art Still Life Invitational which opens April 6th.
For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I really like the temperatures going on in this painting. The warms and cools really seem to work together. I think this is the second Bosc I've ever painted and that's a shame because I really like their shape and colors.
I am still painting like a mad man for the upcoming shows. The first is April 6 and the second is the larger 4-artist show on May 11. I can't wait to see the whole body of work hanging together...but that's a lot of paintings away so back to work.