Thursday, June 03, 2010

Moon At Dusk No.2

Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD

We have been spending a lot of time in our backyard since the weather has been nice. We love summer time. I caught this view just before heading in. I can't get enough of this utility pole. The wires and the touch of the trees just play into an interesting composition.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    brilliant perspective! and brushwork of course.

  2. I agree that it is an interesting composition. Very nice!

  3. You and those utility poles, Mike!

    But yeah, it is pretty cool looking!


  4. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Poles and wires aren't often seen as anything but an eyesore, accomodated and minimised. I so enjoy seeing them aesthetically appreciated.

    Well done!

    Plus, the added delight of a daylight peep from the moon! Nice.

  5. I really love the subtleties of the colors, and the composition is quite nice. I also like how the power-lines carry my eyes across the composition.

  6. nice grays and subtle shifts in grays and direction of strokes - this is beautiful - I could never live somewhere they bury the wise, where would the composition be when one looked up???!!!!!

  7. love the sense of abstraction

  8. this is one of my favorite compositions and subjects because of its mundane (if you aren't a painter) quality.
    The dramatic diagonals and the bit of sun peeking through the clouds and the atmospheric neutrals conjure up the feeling of a humid summer evening.
    Best in Show ;)

  9. Beautiful work. Your paintings are great.
