Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Asparagus Bunch

Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 16"x25" Commission SOLD

I apologize for the long break in the blog. I assure you I have been painting my butt off. Numerous commissions and 8 brand new paintings that will hang in a show in Washington state from July 23 until Labor Day. If you want to keep in touch with me on Facebook, you may do so by clicking to link on the right margin.


  1. Beautifully rendered asparagus! The background color really helps to pull the asparagus forward. Very nice!

  2. THIS is fabulous!!

    I'll be near Seattle in August and if the gallery is somewhere in the area, I'd love to see your work in person.

  3. Michael:

    Where will your paintings be in Washington state (I live in the Puget Sound area). It would be wonderful to see them "live."

  4. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Good work. You're making me hungry.

    Sounds like business is good. Way to go.

  5. Fabulous. Beautiful color harmony and lovely detail without looking photographic.

  6. Very nice! But then, all your work is great! Nice to see you back at your blog!

  7. the light in this one is lovely - glowing gently . . . thank you for sharing it! & good luck w/ the show!

  8. Michael, this is just spectacular. You've stepped up the quality even further! I don't mind the odd hiatus if you're working on things like this ;o) Well done!

  9. I painted asparagus too this week, except the were supposed to be dock pilings. . . my friend pointed out they looked like asparagus. Admittedly, yours are much better and not holding up a dock - eh.

  10. Mike!

    The light greens and soft purples look great here!

