Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Untouched Peaks"

Oil on 1/8" Gessoboard. Approx 6"x6"

For purchase info, please email

As we drove through and up the mountains we were pondering the fact that humans may have never stopped foot on the mountains tops we were looking at. That's a deep thought.


  1. Wow, thats so real..!

  2. Mike!

    Of all the recent landscapes you posted I love this one the best for some reason.

    The various greens are awesome and still natural looking (important for a landscape).

    I like how the brushwork near the base of the mountains is large and broad while near the tip of the mountains it's small and tight.

    Simple and lovely!


  3. Amazing edges! I like how they get softer and softer towards the bottom edge - very neat effect.

  4. "Sunlit Church" is beautiful. I am sure I've seen this lighting phenomenon.

    I'm keeping "Mountain Ridge" open on my screen for awhile as I am wont to do with many of your paintings. The composition, colors and brush strokes are beautiful, but I ask--since, in a way, you brought up the subject--how did a mauve mountain get in the middle distance, a sharp edged mountain in the background and possibly the most distinct peak in the far distance?

    The "Untouchable Peaks" are so hard edged and distinct that they seem to be leaning toward me.

    I enjoy all of these paintings because they have your touch, although you may not be able to tell that by this note.

    Good day,

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I live within an hour of Gatlinburg and I've had those same thoughts. A friend told me that, if I could somehow manage to gain access to one of those places where I think man has never trod, he'd wager I could find at least a dozen empty Budweiser cans. Just thought I'd burst your bubble too. :-)

  6. Michael12:52 PM

    Don't know why my post, just above this one, posted as "Anonymous". That guy is stealing a lot of my posts lately. I just wanted to say,too, that I totally agree with the person who posted immediately before me.

  7. Anonymous/Michael: would they be Budweiser or perhaps a 30-pack of High Life or even maybe PBR tall boys? Now that's a deep thought.
