Friday, June 14, 2013

Abominable Joe Man

Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 16"x20"

I'm honored that this painting is in the Grand Prize round of the "You be the Judge" competition. I'd also be honored if I got your vote. CLICK HERE to get to the voting page, I'm entry #11. Thanks in advance and please share!

Voting ends Sunday, June 16. I am one of 23 finalists and the winner will receive a package valued at $10,000. It includes training tools, supplies, gift certificates and advertisement in publications.


  1. OK you got my vote :-)

    I was torn between yours and No. 22 but yours has the edge IMHO

    Good luck

  2. Beautiful work!! Best of luck in the competition!

  3. You got my vote AND fantastic work i love it best of luck

    Edmonton Painters
    Painters Edmonton
