Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6"
Before we had kids, this dog was our life. His name is Schnitz Zel Naples and he is almost 10 years old. We have nicknames for him such as Nit, Nitzel, Sir, Boss, Stink Mouth, Nitster, Long Nose, Foot Stool, Mister Nit, Nitty, Frito Foot...and I'm sure I missed a few. Anyway, enjoy the painting.
Also I have a dachshund, a girl named Elli ... the painting is really nice! Hello, Barbara
ReplyDeleteCaresses au brave SchnitzZelNaples Nit Nitzel Sir Boss StinkMouth Nitster LongNose FootStool MisterNit Nitty FritoFoot !...
ReplyDeleteI love this painting! Schnitz sounds like a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteI own this painting now - aren't I lucky? I live in Wales in the UK, and Schnitz is currently looking out of the window to the sea:-) Such a talented artist.