Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Pie

Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD

Well, it's pumpkin season in full effect. Pumpkin everything; ice cream, coffee creamer, flavored coffee, pies, muffins, donuts...all pumpkin. And I think we ate all that in one week.

On a side note, if you are reading this via email subscription, I want to let you know I changed the design of my blog. First time in five years! Very exciting...for a geek like me.


  1. Love the new look! Especially the design of the new header. I've been using your blog this week with my art students as we are beginning our 4x5 still life paintings.

  2. Great job. This looks unbelievably tasty!

  3. i like your painting... but this is just exellent

  4. Yummy! My favorite time of year. Pumpkin ice cream is the best!
    Love the composition - makes me want to pick that fork right up!
    The new blog layout looks great.

  5. love the new look of the blog! I always look forward to seeing your new pieces. Just watched a couple of your painting videos (I love NY & reflections of tangerine)--fascinating, beautiful, love it! Thanks for sharing what you do.

  6. Nice new blog design. I also want to compliment your new header!

  7. Love pumpkin pie and LOVE the new design for the blog. So sleek!
