Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Tomato Pedestal

Oil on 2.5" Thick Cradled Hardboard. 12"x12" SOLD

This is the first of two paintings that are a little larger than my normal dailies. Also this one is on a thick cradled hardboard with the edges painted black so framing is not necessary but optional. I picked up this old crate from an estate sale down the street from my house. It was my first estate sale where everything including the kitchen sink was for sale. You just had to remove it yourself. I ended up buying a 4 foot light for my studio for $5 including the bulbs. That was a steal.


  1. This is really beautiful I love it! I love the tight rendering and yet the visble brushstrokes as you model the form. Nice balance ..

  2. This is a lovely painting. Great composition. Subtle, soft treatment.

    (I think I see a man...)

  3. Oh yes!
    Beautiful modeling and colour ............ great as always :-)


  4. This is really nice - style is a bit different than all the others.
    Smooth, refined.
    Love the backlighting.

  5. Very nice painting and of coarse I love the lighting.

  6. Excellent...your style seems to be developing in the most wonderful directions. Looking forward to seeing more!

  7. Expertly done, Mike!

    I don't know what I like better, the crate or the tomato!

    I really like how the light dominates just near the center. Smart composition and layout on your part.

    So simple yet so exquisite!


  8. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Ah! Here it is! Very good. I like how you worked in the old crate, too. The artistic eye sees beauty in the most unlikely places, eh?

    Very much reminds me of one I saw earlier today, HERE.
