Monday, December 07, 2009

Star Wars Line Up

Oil on 1/8" Board. Approx 8"x8" SOLD

The second to last commission for the season. I searched through friends and family to get some Star Wars Lego figures to use in this painting. Pretty much everyone said they had them but they were somewhere in the slew of toys. These dead ends continued for weeks so I finally had the revelation of putting an ad on Craigslist to BORROW a few figures to paint from. Amazing. I received figures from two different people and they were perfect. One of those people lives almost walking distance from me. Small world. Anyway, I will definitely use an ad like that in the future for 'unique' items.


  1. Oh Boy!!

    Would my 9-year-old Tyler LOVE this painting!!

    He was crazy about the last lego painting you did.... AND he loves Star Wars...

  2. You found a great solution for obtaining subject matter. I'm sure you have just started a new trend. The painting is wonderful.

  3. These little guys are fantastic!

  4. So great... they look larger than life!
