Friday, August 07, 2009

Awaiting Fate

Oil on 1/8" Board Approx 8"x8" SOLD

This poor little lemon. About to get sliced and diced. He sure will taste good squeezed into some iced tea, though.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM


    I always marvel at how you manage to get such crisp images. I was going to say that about your steeple, but you've done it here too.
    Love your work!

  2. That was me... Somehow I clicked something before I meant to.

  3. Beautiful painting...and the composition is great as usual!

    Just wondering, what type of board do you paint on, Mr. Naples? The texture looks very coarse (which I like, by the way). Is it wood board or paper board?

  4. Wonderful painting, Michael! I love the balance of this composition and the inherent drama you've portrayed.

  5. Anonymous2:35 AM

    great contours and composition Mike. unfortunately for that lemon, that knife looks blunt...

  6. great contrast with the lighting. I love the way the lemon looks photographic, while the bowl is loose and painterly.

  7. Mike!

    At first glance I almost thought this was a picture!

    The dramatic lighting makes this piece, well, dramatic!

    I love the blackness of the knife. It helps bring some of the darks to the lower right corner and balances everything out.

    Bye-bye lemon!

