Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Portrait

Graphite on Bristol Board. Approx 8"x11" SOLD

Here is the first of two commissioned portraits. The second one should be posted sometime next week. I wrote yesterday about a blog award. Well two great painters picked my blog to receive this award and I am flattered. Those two artists are Jennifer Phillips and LC Neill. The rules are you list 7 things you love and pick 7 others to pass the award to. So here it goes...

Seven things I love:
1. My wife, daughter, and not yet born baby.
2. My studio
3. Power Tools
4. My iPhone
5. Cheeses of all kinds
6. Doing things myself (as opposed to hiring 'a professional'
7. A pint of good beer

Seven artist who deserve the award (there's many more than seven)
Alvin Richard
Sadie J. Valeri
David Jon Kassan
Mike Barr
Jeremy Geddes
Jason Seiler
Stephen Magsig


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I enjoy visiting your blog almost daily and am inspired, but today was an even bigger blessing when I visited each of the links your provided to other artists.

    Thanks for sharing your gifts, keep em coming.

  2. This portrait turned out very nice.

    I'm sure the ones who commissioned it will be pleased.

    The girl's face is soft and delicate, which matches the subject matter. The proportions look perfect.

    Nice job with the hair. Subtle highlights give just the right amount of depth.

    Thanks for sharing!

