Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Cloud Study No.2"

Oil on 1/8" Gessoboard. Approx 6"x6"

For purchase info, please email

For the past 10 years or so, I've wanted to paint a ceiling with clouds. I just never had the guts to do it. It certainly would be a 'one sitting' painting. If I did do that it would probably look something like this painting.


  1. Hey Mike!

    This painting is very loose for sure but I think you did a GREAT job capturing the sunlight.

    Squint at the painting and you'll see what I mean.

    I'd love for you to do a larger, tighter version of this!


  2. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I'd love a ceiling like that. wonderful brushstrokes. you've captured the essence of skys and clouds. r

  3. Gorgeous sense of sunlight filtering through the clouds. Great brushstrokes makes this very alive!

  4. It's amazing how much of the essence of these clouds you can convey with such simple brushwork...

    GORGEOUS as always, Michael
