Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Lime with Glass"

Oil on Board. Approx 10"x8" SOLD

This is a commission. I can't really find much to say about it. I like the composition and how the glass looks. There, that was something.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Maybe you should show a little more enthsiasm for your ommissioned art. You don't want your client thinking you felt un inspired.

  2. On the contrary. I was very inspired with this piece. I spent a generous amount of time setting up and tweaking the composition before actually laying any paint down. So I hope my client knows that I appreciate them and it means a lot.

  3. I love this piece! Nice job!

  4. Hi Michael, the painting speaks for itself, we often talk too much, and why speak when we have nothing to say. The painting is beautiful, well done! Keep em coming.

  5. The glass is just wonderful, and I can almost smell the lime, it looks so fresh. Your client will be ecstatic!

  6. Elegant! Is there a lime wedge hiding under the cloth???

  7. This is a great composition! I like the way the light plays across the napkin and lime and through the glass.
    Beautiful as always.

  8. Michael,
    This painting is amazing. I absolutely love it. And I know that you do too. Sometimes it is hard to state, day after day, that we like our paintings. Sometimes it sounds a bit like bragging. You, on the other hand, should brag every day and night. You have such a gift. I am in awe of your talent.

  9. Wow, Michael, I just dropped by to see what you've been painting lately and am blown away. This is very inspiring. I love the way you take simple subjects and dramatize them.

  10. Hola! Tienes un regalo en mi blog

  11. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Very nice painting! I also like the one of peanut butter and jelly.

    Victoria Fuller

  12. Anonymous7:01 PM


  13. Always a pleasure to view your new creations. Love the green.

  14. Yes, sometimes it is hard coming up with a statement about a piece, especialy when just completed.
    The limes in water are great,interesting abstract forms.
    Nice color balance through out.

  15. Nice limes. And you know I love limes.

  16. Nice works !!!
    Excelents colors... sorry for my english :-)
    Greetings !!!

  17. The part that I love the most in this painting is the lime slices in the glass of water.

    Expertly done!

    Everything from the "bent"/distorted lime wedges in the water, the icy water itself, and the shiny glass are all spot on!

    Very realistic and just great!


  18. I could say a LOT about it - but probably not as eloquently as the Chinese writer! I also did a 'lime in glass' painting, but yours blows mine away. The refractions of the limes in the glass, the subtle values in the cloth - wonderful!

  19. Hi - I came across your blog whilst browsing the internet for inspiration! I am a painter in UK (well one day a week as I also work and have children!)currently painting in acrylic and have recently been working on still lifes placed on a mirror and am loving the reflective qualities.
    I wanted to say how much I love your paintings - the detail, colours & simplicity of your subjects - I am feeling inspired!
