Tuesday, March 03, 2009

"Hanging Key"

Oil on Board. Approx 5.5"x11.5" SOLD

I have painted this key in the past, but this one is by far my favorite. One thing I was concentrating on was getting the 'hanging feel' to this. Showing how the center of gravity shifts when the key hangs to the right.

On another note, I am coming down with a cold (first one in 27 months) and might take a few days off.


  1. Nice painting, I really like the lighting and colors. Also, what do you do to stop from getting colds for so long? :)

  2. I love how you got your cast shadows to perfectly interact with the texture of your background. Especially in the cast shadow of the nail.
    The texture is still intact and it dosn't even look like a glaze.
    Good demonstration of skill and layers.

  3. Oh the colors.... I really like those colors. So soothing. Relaxing. Pleasant.

    Lovely painting, as usual.

  4. Anonymous3:43 AM

    it hangs and gravity is doing its job excellently, i can almost feel that key sway slightly... lovely work. been down with flu myself recntly, hope you get better soon, perhaps newton's apple next....? r.

  5. You are amazing. This painting is so beautiful and everything is perfect. I would give anything to have 1/4 the talent you have!

  6. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Hi Michael,
    How old is your little one? Can't believe you haven't had more cold/flus..lucky guy.
    I really enjoy and appreciate your posted works. The subject simplicity leaves no excuses for us struggling to find inspiration in a grandiose way. Just new to "Daily Paintings"..find it very exciting. Your color is wonderful!
    Get well soon.

  7. Yes, this is my favorite 'key' painting of yours, so far! The light is amazing, and the weight shift is masterful. Hey, take time off to get better, it's worth it.

  8. Yes, I remember keys by you , and this one is amazing! I love the way you recorded the slant of the angle of the key...it gives it a real gravity feel.
    I have enjoyed your blog for a long, long time. thanks.

  9. Another strong piece!

    I think your work shines when you do just a single subject and break it down to its purest form (bottlecap, "Mary Janes" come to mind).

    The metal key looks like aged metal. Good job with that. I like the shadow behind the key as well.

    And the unusual size adds to the composition of this painting.


  10. I like the brushwork on the background and the cool coloration of all.... Really nice. Feel better soon.

  11. Very very nice, love the string and shadows.

  12. Anonymous4:34 PM

    hi michael naples
    your beautifull paint..
    and beautifull works...

  13. very nice work. great site.

    I admire your daily paintings. If only I had the time AND the determination.

  14. I love the mood in this painting, great choice of colours.


  15. Nice work as always. I added you to my blog links today.

  16. Love your work...un-usual subjects for still-life...interesting work Michael. Stop by my blog sometime. I have a lot to learn to frm your work. Let me know what you think :))


  17. Anonymous6:16 PM

    It was certainly interesting for me to read the post. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more soon.
