Monday, January 19, 2009

"PB and J Knife"

Oil on Board. Approx 7"x4" SOLD

A little bit of a different take on my favorite subject...the peanut butter and jelly.


  1. oh, how do you keep from licking the painting!? Your jelly and PB always look so yummy.

  2. Wow. That is excellent. I am always amazed at people who think to paint the everyday things and make them so beautiful and extraordinary.

  3. Anonymous11:29 PM

    I cannot believe how REAL that looks!! BETTER than real life. I just realized I had added you to my Neat Places To Visit list on my blog quite some time ago...and have not stopped by. Your art is inspiring and it makes me want to try some still-lifes. Blessings, Jane

  4. Beautiful as always..
    I gave the Mary Jane painting to my daughter-in-law for Christmas. Only hope she loves it like I did. (Maybe they'll decide to have a little girl who wears Mary Janes!) ;o> Now I'm in withdrawal...

  5. I just happened upon your site while looking for a photograph of a pear. Your paintings are amazing!

  6. I LOVE this one, Michael. You did such a good job on the silver, never mind the PB & J!

  7. Michael, you did a fabulous job on this painting. The colors look so clean and delicious. Everything is beautiful and i especially enjoy the brushwork on the napkin or tablecloth.

  8. well, it is obvious that you eat your PB&J with strawberry jelly, not grape! Fabulous paingint!

  9. Super painting! Next I'll expect to see the open jar of peanut butter with the knife stuck in, maybe a bit of jelly on the knife? I always enjoy your take on this particular subject!

  10. Unique subject matter!

    Looks so random it's refreshing.

    The unusual size of the painting (the really long rectangle) adds to the charm of this piece and helps keep the focus on the knife so it doesn't get lost.

    Love the warm reds and browns on the far right as well. Artists forget that the background should be interesting too.

