Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Early Risers"

Oil on Board. Approx 8"x8" SOLD

Well I've said before that I love coffee and the mugs that go with it. My favorite is this thick diner mug. This is a bit larger then my usual daily paintings. I have some boards that are different sizes that I will be painting on in the near future.


  1. I'm a monochromatic kind of person so this really appeals to me. Love the spoon - just shines perfectly!

  2. very nice. great greys!

  3. Nice painting, solid mugs!

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    very moody- nice.

  5. Simple, yet so rich with lush brushstrokes and a beautiful luminosity.

  6. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Hey Michael,
    I found your blog just today and have been scrolling through your work. Like you, i prefer to do my paintings in one sitting and am currently in the beginning stages of a series of very simple still lifes.

    Love your subtle color use and fat brush strokes - juicy stuff. After a good two hours of looking for inspiring still lifes I finally found some I can sink my teeth into! Keep up this lovely stuff!
