Saturday, October 25, 2008

"Reclining Leaf"

Oil on Board. Approx 8"x4 SOLD

I painted this leaf a few months ago. It was such a cool leaf to me that I kept it on my still live shelves. When on it's side, it looks like it's reclining.


  1. Hello Michael,

    I just love this. It is so delicate and beautiful, almost moving.

    I was walking my dog yesterday and noticed some exquisitely coloured maple leaves on the ground and I wanted to pick them up, and with your inspiration I will paint them.


    Catherine Gillespie

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I love your use of color and brush strokes. You're able to capture the delicate nature of a leaf very well.

  3. It reminds me of a flamenco dress, it has movement kind of!

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    It is enchanting.There is something in the dry leaves that is so divine.

  5. I agree with all the above comments - it's a magnificent painting, Mike!!! I keep coming back to look at it. I do that a lot with your paintings.

  6. Ah i love this blog. Similar concept to mine in a way. Also similar to mine it seems we where both a bit hasty with the whole, "Every Day" bit. lol, but still i am envious of your talent.

  7. I love the articulation of the edge of the leaf, as well as the general design. What beautiful colors in the neutral background, too!

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I like this one
