Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 5"x6" SOLD.

What I like most about pears are all the plain changes on the skin. I love how the light wraps around the pear and shows a lot of the character through reflected light. I used this pear in a larger painting that I am in the middle of. I'll be posting that later on.


  1. Great colours on this one! I love it.

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I agree! Beautiful golden tones. I also really love the perspective and the peek of the table in the lower right corner.

  3. Nice! I especially like the top of the pear and the stem.

  4. I don't typically love pear paintings, but when I opened this one I made an audible sigh and said, "WOW". It is stunning. I love the perpective you chose, the reflections, the ease with which you captured the topography of the fruit, and I especially like the top portion of the pear. Bravo!! This is excellent.

  5. love this one. one question-did you see the subtle golden tone in the shadow or add it to harmonize?

  6. Great color and a real feeling of scale to this little painting. Nice job!

  7. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I love to eat fruit, and, when I can pick it off the page and eat it, it says its a SUPER PEAR.
    You really elevated the word "bartlett" this time!

  8. Nice Job, I love the shape of pears, too. I recently thought I was painting a Bartlett and learned it was a D'Anjou. The difference is that Bartlett's change color as they ripen, so mine would never get this nice golden color. :^)

  9. great brush work and color in this one. if i could offer a small crit it would be that the triangular shape at the lower left is too distracting. other wise this is a great painting.


  10. Just found your blog and I love it! What wonderful rich colors you use. Thank you so much for the inspirational work. Theresa

  11. The paint strokes are very confident on this one. Really nice!

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hey there,
    I was searching on google images for pictures of pears and I stumbled across your site. I love your art - it is incredibly beautiful.
