Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Midnight Moon"

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Oil on 1/4" Board. 6" x 6" SOLD.

I actually painted this last night after yesterday's Daily Painting. The moon and sky were so amazing. I finished it shortly after midnight, hence the name. Also after 205 paintings, this is my first night scene. It was a challenge finding the light to paint under that wouldn't affect my view of the night sky. Does that make sense? Anyway, I will certainly revisit night scenes in the future.


  1. This is a winner Michael! Amazing to see how much daily painting has improved your work! Great job!

  2. Beautiful! How DID you find a light to paint by that didn't affect your view???

  3. I blocked in my board indoors with a dark cool color. Then I loaded my brush with a lighter sky color and went outside and painted while holding the board in my hand. i would go back inside to tighen up. I did this about 3 times before finishing. Not the most efficient but it was a simple enough composition.

  4. cool!!!! The moon was beautiful here, too in CT & you've captured it beautifully! (yes, it is tricky to work in the dark!) Beautifully done!

  5. Nice! I, too, was outside gazing in awe at this moon that night. ( ...makes me wonder how many people were drawn out their doors by the light and held there for however long by the vision. ) It was amazingly beautiful, as is your painting. Thank you for creating and sharing it!

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I love the double-load brushwork... very nice...

    was this also some glaze work?

    Spread Love...
    ... but wear the Glove!

    BlueBerry Pick'n
    can be found @
    ThisCanadian DOT com
    "Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"

  7. Wow, beautiful! Thanks for sharing your method for dealing with the light. If you'd been painting this at this time (or maybe an hour later) the following night, in Chicago, you'd have been looking at the lunar eclipse starting to happen. (Just a side note.) I love the luscious deep green sky, and the trees, and the moon sailing in the sky.
