Monday, May 28, 2007

"Morning After"

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Oil on 1/8" Masonite, 6"x5". SOLD.

We threw a party on this Holiday weekend and, of course, woke up to mess. I had to capture the light on these bottles. Painting glass usually has it challenges but these were different because of their colors and how they are backlit. This is kind of a sketch. I can see revisiting this in a larger format later on. This is post number 158 in my Daily Painting blog.


  1. Don't you love it when beauty presents itself in such an unlikely setting? This is lovely! The glow of the backlit glass, the reflection on the table, the composition... very cool! I really like the sketchiness also.

  2. Great one and a good title also.Love the reflections and the way you did the bottles in general.Best one today.

  3. excellent composition. The lime is a nice touch.

  4. Bravo! Good 'tmaters down there as well.
