Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ol' Blue

Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 10"x10" SOLD

Every time I go to a car show or cruise night, I take a slew of photos in hopes of painting them. Usually only a few turn out worthy of a painting. I felt this one was one of those. I have another that I hope to complete this week.


  1. It is great! LOVE it. I love all of your work.


  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    absolutely stunning Mike! not only is it painted with your wonderful brushwork but you've captured something of it's heyday too!

  3. Ol'Blue has a wonderful foggy feeling. I love the combination of soft and hard edges and how you used the moody colors.

  4. Not a fan of car art, but this just proves the point that any object can be beautiful if painted well! I feel almost inspired enough to paint something myself...almost.

  5. Another lovely one!

  6. I've noticed that you paint food for awhile, then you switch to another topic, then back to food again. I do the same thing with my photography... I mostly photograph nature, but I switch to different topics sometimes for a needed change of pace.

    Ol' Blue looks great

  7. Wonderful balance of positive and negative space to create nostalgic atmospherics.

  8. I love that deep, vintage blue, Mkie!

    Nice composition too. That headlight just speaks to me!

