Monday, August 09, 2010

Leaning Pear

Oil on Board. Approx 12"x12"

I enjoyed the color combination in this painting. It's late and I'm kind of at a loss for words so I will leave it at that.


  1. I am in awe of the weight and form of your pear. I could just reach in, pick it up and eat it. I agree that the colour combination is delicious. I also really like the framing you've done on all of these paintings.

  2. Beautifully done...

    That's one ugly pear though... looks as though it needs liposuction! Was it tasty???

    Good luck with the show.

  3. Mike!

    I love the surface the pear is sitting on. A lot of texture and character in it!

    It looks like stone of some kind. Granite maybe?

