Oil on Board. Approx 16"x8" SOLD
New painting. Sorry this one sold before I could post it here. I have a few more to post and another few more in the works.
New painting. Sorry this one sold before I could post it here. I have a few more to post and another few more in the works.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. This was a tough painting to photograph. The bottle in the background was my great-grandfather's and the license plate came from my Dad. It is a composite material since it was during the time of conserving metal for the war. As for the wooden shoe mold, I bought it from the resale shop I patron and instantly fell in love with the shape. Carved out of one piece of wood. For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. I have 6 new pieces for a group show that opens this Friday. I wish I could be there for the opening but maybe next time.
I can't believe it's been longer than 2 months since my last post. I assure you I have been painting. This is one painting that I spent some good time on. I wish I had a better pic of it because in real life it is full of subtleties that the camera just didn't get. Anyway. I have another show opening at Susan Powell Fine Art in CT and will be posting those paintings in the coming days. Stay tuned...
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. Again, there were challenges and last minutes changes to this painting but in the end I feel it was all worth it. I really like the juicy detail in the oyster itself. For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
This is one of my newest pieces for Susan Powell Fine Art. I am completely satisfied with how this painting turned out. The if you look closely at the original, there are a decent amount of broken brush strokes. it's tight but not ever detail is shown...only implied. I have a couple more painting in this show that I will post in the next couple of days.
My newest piece for Susan Powell. I really like how this one turned out.
I'm honored that this painting is in the Grand Prize round of the "You be the Judge" competition. I'd also be honored if I got your vote. CLICK HERE to get to the voting page, I'm entry #11. Thanks in advance and please share!
Voting ends Sunday, June 16. I am one of 23 finalists and the winner will receive a package valued at $10,000. It includes training tools, supplies, gift certificates and advertisement in publications.
My newest piece for Susan Powell. This is one of my favorite paintings to date. It is a real stunner in person :)
I've been working on some new detailed pieces but wanted to do something a little simpler in between the complex ones.
In other news, I am doing another oil painting demo in Berwyn tomorrow evening (Wednesday). Its at The Pavek Center at 6548 West 31st Street. Come out, say hi, and watch me paint from 6:30-9PM.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. I began the initial block-in for this painting at the demonstration I did a few weeks ago. This piece has come a long way since that night. Lot's of refining.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. The opening reception was tonight. I wish I could have been there.
This is one of my newest pieces for Susan Powell Fine Art. It is actually kind of special to me because it represents my daughters. I have 3 and their names all start with L. I have a couple more painting in this show that I will post in the next couple of days. For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
It's been WAY too long since I last updated my blog. I was working on commissions for a couple of months and couldn't share them. I also put many hours into a portrait that I submitted to a couple of recent contests. I'll post that when I can as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Now I'm onto new work for Susan Powell Fine Art. For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
In other news, I am doing an oil demonstration next Thursday, March 14 for the Addison Art Guild at the Addison Village Hall at 7:30pm. Come say hi if you can.