Oil on Board. Approx 10"x8" SOLD
This is a commission. I can't really find much to say about it. I like the composition and how the glass looks. There, that was something.
Oil on Board. Approx 10"x8" SOLD
This is a commission. I can't really find much to say about it. I like the composition and how the glass looks. There, that was something.
Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
We all post about those paintings that just flow off the brush. Well this is mine. I felt like every stroke I put down was a keeper. A few highlights in the right spots and it was done. I really like how the cast shadow was the color of the bottle. Interesting.
Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
Here are a couple of corks I recently acquired. I wanted to really focus on the details of them such as the nooks, cracks and textures.
Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
Well here is a new painting. I just got over a cold a couple weeks ago and then came down with a sinus infection that leveled me all last week. I finally went to the doc for antibiotics because I wasn't getting any better. I guess it's the season. Enough germy blabber, I have a few more paintings this week to finish off the month. Stay tuned...
Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6 SOLD
Here are the second challenge paintings. The subject was eggplant...any way you like it. I went more traditional as usual but it was my first time paint this subject.
Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6"
For purchase info, please email susan.brownlow@artunderamonkey.co.uk.
And this is the commission painting. Actually it's kind of a commission. It was requested to be painted to then put up on an online gallery that is in startup mode right now. If you are interested in purchasing, you may do so direct from the site's creator, Susan.
Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I am back in the studio and feeling 100%. I almost forgot how it felt to be sick but it all came back to me really fast. Anyway, this is a candy from the United Kingdom. It was a commission (which I will post tomorrow) but I thought I would do a composition for myself...I mean to offer for sale. I didn't even eat one of these little candies.
Oil on Board. Approx 5.5"x11.5" SOLD
I have painted this key in the past, but this one is by far my favorite. One thing I was concentrating on was getting the 'hanging feel' to this. Showing how the center of gravity shifts when the key hangs to the right.
On another note, I am coming down with a cold (first one in 27 months) and might take a few days off.