Oil on Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I loved the yellow stripe on this apple. Not to mention it had a leaf still on it at the grocery store. I HAD to buy it to paint it.
Finally a new daily painting! I have been doing a lot of gallery paintings and commissions lately. Both of which I am truly grateful for. However, there is nothing more freeing to an artist than painting what they want and how they want to. I love the expressive brushwork...and of course love the subject matter. I'll give you a hint about tomorrow's painting. It's the sister to this one :)
New painting. It's a commission and was given to Argus Brewery in Chicago. They are a craft brewer with a great variety in their line-up of beers. This is the 3rd year in a row that I was asked to do a painting for them. Don't tell anyone, but I think this one is my favorite one yet.