Oil on Board. Approx 16"x8" SOLD
New painting. Sorry this one sold before I could post it here. I have a few more to post and another few more in the works.
New painting. Sorry this one sold before I could post it here. I have a few more to post and another few more in the works.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. This was a tough painting to photograph. The bottle in the background was my great-grandfather's and the license plate came from my Dad. It is a composite material since it was during the time of conserving metal for the war. As for the wooden shoe mold, I bought it from the resale shop I patron and instantly fell in love with the shape. Carved out of one piece of wood. For purchase information, please contact the gallery at 203-318-0616 or visit their website at www.susanpowellfineart.com.
Another new piece for Susan Powell Fine Art. I have 6 new pieces for a group show that opens this Friday. I wish I could be there for the opening but maybe next time.