Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I received an email from Michel Oosterhout. He has a website called "an apple a day". He asks artists to create a piece of art featuring an apple and email it to him to put on his website. As soon as I finished reading his email, I knew I wanted to include my iPhone in the painting. I really liked capturing the dark sleekness of it as well as the color shift across the Honeycrisp. Fun painting to do.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
Well, it's pumpkin season in full effect. Pumpkin everything; ice cream, coffee creamer, flavored coffee, pies, muffins, donuts...all pumpkin. And I think we ate all that in one week.
On a side note, if you are reading this via email subscription, I want to let you know I changed the design of my blog. First time in five years! Very exciting...for a geek like me.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I've been in the mood for a wine themed painting lately. If you go on my Facebook page (you can find a link on my menu bar on the left of my blog) to see a 30 minute block-in of this painting. I have a few gallery paintings on the list in the near future. Stay tuned...
Oil on Canvas Board. Approx 11"x14" SOLD
Great model tonight. I had the pleasure of meeting Janice Skivington. She is a fellow blogger and lives in my town of Wheaton. We were bound to meet up sooner or later but it took about 3 years. It's actually her son who modeled. It was a good crowd tonight.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6"
For purchase information, please email michael@mnaples.com.
I started out with the background much warmer...you know to get that perfect gray? BUT it wasn't working with the warm amber bottle. When I cooled down the background for a better temperature balance, it started to come together. This bottle has such nice detail that I wanted to almost make it a portrait. Capturing all the interesting features including the dust on top and the peeling stickers.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 6"x6" SOLD
I still have three commissions left but since I am caught up on gallery paintings for the time being, I thought I would get back to a small painting. I've been dying to paint this one for about 3 weeks. I think it's currently my favorite. I've been tinkering with gray colors lately and this back ground is right where I want to be. It is on the edge of dark tan and gray. I love it!