Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 4.875"x6" SOLD.
This is exactly what I was envisioning before I started. Something different and much more loose then usual. I'm quite happy with it.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 4.875"x6" SOLD.
This is exactly what I was envisioning before I started. Something different and much more loose then usual. I'm quite happy with it.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx 4.875"x6" SOLD.
Well I finally broke out he paints after some very nice time off. This is one of those holiday pears from one of those holiday baskets. You know the kind I'm talking about. This is post number 269 for my Daily Painting blog.
Graphite on 4-ply Strathmore Bristol Board. Approx 4"x6.25" N/A
I hope everyone had a great Holiday. I know I did.
When I was drawing this, I felt like I was back in college because of the strong basic shapes of this composition and the lighting wrapping around each cylinder. Oh the memories of school...good times.
Graphite on 4-ply Strathmore Bristol Board. Approx 4.25"x6.5" N/A.
I have taken some time off to catch up for the Holidays and to also spend time with family and friends. I did have time to sneak away just long enough to do this rendering of the interesting looking pear. I love the shape of most pears they are so unique. Merry Christmas!!
Oil on 1/4" Board Approx. 8"x10" Commission-NFS
You are going to have to trust me that this painting looks better in person...then again most of them do. The picture didn't capture all the subtleties in the colors. Anyway, posting might be slow going until after Christmas so stay tuned.
I still have 5 commissions to do before Christmas so I have to get crack-a-lackin'. I'm working on one now and won't be done in time to post so I'm giving a little preview to my new website. I'm in the process of designing it in Photoshop. Stay tuned for that in early '08.
Next on my list of things to cover is this whole tagging thing. I'm usually not into forwards or chain letters but his one is different. I have seen so many fantastic new artists from seeing others tagged. A great artist, Karen Appleton, tagged me so here it goes.
1. When I was five I cried when my cousin (who was older) colored better then me. Who's crying now?
2. My second year in college I was offered a tattoo apprenticeship and an internship at a design company at the same time. I wonder how things would be different if I took the tattoo route.
3. I am a paintaholic but love nothing more then laying around doing nothing with my awesome wife.
4. I have painted all 260ish paintings at my kitchen table.
5. I am a father to be.
Here are my tags. I know they've been tagged before but they are true influences on me and my paintings.Christopher Stott, Neil Hollingsworth, Julian Merrow-Smith, Karin Jurick, Alvin Richard
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx. 6" x 4.875" SOLD.
I love the colors in this painting. The warm browns and greens against the cool blues and purples is easy on the eye. I'm not sure where I got this leaf from. I happen to find it in my still life collection a.k.a. closet. It has a great shape and a nice color vignette going through it...and you know I love painting leaves. This is post number 261 for my Daily Painting blog.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx. 6" x 6" SOLD
There was a very nice article on me for today's Lines and Colors. Be sure to check it out. Charley Parker did a great job on it. It's like he got inside my head.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx. 6" x 8" SOLD.
I picked these flowers up on the way home today. I'm not much of a floral painter but I really like these. I also like the reflection around the base of the vase (that rhymes).
I am pleased to announce a new website comprised of 12 very talented Daily Painters. The site is DailyPaintworks.com so please be sure to check it out. It's great to share the same kind of dedication and artistic vision as these other great painters.
Oil on 1/4" Board. Approx. 6" x 4.75" SOLD
I'm not sure what the obsession is with saving wine corks. I think I envision doing something with them one day. I don't know what, though. I do know they're fun to paint. When I started this painting I set the goal of keeping the brushstrokes short and choppy using a larger variety of color variations. I really like the end result.